Keep Folly Island clear of wheelie bins

Sometimes I despair of East Herts Council. It appears that they want to introduce wheelie bins on to Folly Island. Further to some enquiries made from residents when I was Chairman of the residents association in 2001 it was made very clear to me by East Herts Council that there was no way they were… Continue reading Keep Folly Island clear of wheelie bins

Premier Inn Checks Out

It should come as no surprise following Whitbread’s announcement of job losses earlier this week that they have now pulled out of building a Premier Inn Hotel in Bircherley Green (see full story in Hertfordshire Mercury). It is fair to say that few people in Hertford saw the need for a hotel. Except for Whitbread… Continue reading Premier Inn Checks Out

Hertford Saved! – Doomed!

So, after 6 years a development on the Bircherley Green Shopping Centre site was given the green light on 25th June 2020. I sat through 2 hours of the Development Management Committee and frankly learned nothing that I didn’t know already. It confirmed two things. One it was not viable to offer affordable housing and… Continue reading Hertford Saved! – Doomed!

Bircherley Green 2020

As promised in my previous post I am placing my letter of objection to the latest planning application for Bircherley Green as submitted by Chase New Homes. The full list of documents accompanying the application can be viewed here. My own letter of objection is posted here and can be read as a .pdf file.… Continue reading Bircherley Green 2020

This is your home town

Son take a good look aroundThis is your home town. Bruce Springsteen I am tired of everybody telling me that Hertford is the county town. Maybe it is;  but on what grounds?  Look at this. This is the situation facing anyone walking through Maidenhead Street towards Salisbury Square. You have to turn left and cross… Continue reading This is your home town

Hertford’s future now?

Now that the dust has settled on the planning application for Bircherley Green Shopping Centre it is time to think ahead. There are still a few permissions and details to be finalised but for many the die has already been cast. The owners of the site have given everybody notice to quit. This was not… Continue reading Hertford’s future now?

A walk through Hertford 2017

Wrenbridge have just submitted the final plans for the redevelopment of Bircherley Green Shopping Centre after months of discussion between themselves and East Herts Planning Department, local groups, residents and more than enough statutory consultant bodies such as the Environment Agency and the Canal and River Trust that you can throw a blueprint at. If… Continue reading A walk through Hertford 2017