Wheelie bins arrive

Despite a well supported petition resisting the introduction of wheelie bins on to Folly Island East Herts Council started the roll out last Monday (2 December 2024). Residents and others had submitted letters and emails to East Herts outlining their opposition to wheelie bins which are to be sited on the front of their property.… Continue reading Wheelie bins arrive

Keep Folly Island clear of wheelie bins

Sometimes I despair of East Herts Council. It appears that they want to introduce wheelie bins on to Folly Island. Further to some enquiries made from residents when I was Chairman of the residents association in 2001 it was made very clear to me by East Herts Council that there was no way they were… Continue reading Keep Folly Island clear of wheelie bins

Just like a rolling stone

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. The French have a word for it. Loosely translated it means everything changes; nothing changes. The French were wrong. This was the view from our bedroom window in February 2021 before the work on Lea Wharf began. About the same time I superimposed what it might look… Continue reading Just like a rolling stone

My Hertford Posts

Like the rest of the town centre this site is under serious construction. I have cancelled the majority of posts from about 2016 onwards. This has left a slimmed down blog consisting of three main categories: Bircherley Green, Hertford town centre and Other items of interest. Bircherley Green Lea Wharf 26 January 2024Just like a… Continue reading My Hertford Posts

You say Hello .. and I say Goodbye

Regular readers of this blog will recall that Chase Homes appealed the planning decision from East Herts Council regarding delivery times in and out of Bircherley Green. This was referred to the Planning Inspectorate who have found in favour of Chase Homes. Therefore the access areas for delivery vehicles and refuse lorries will remain the… Continue reading You say Hello .. and I say Goodbye

Chase New Homes appeal Planning decision

The Dispute goes on …. and on Chase New Homes have lodged an objection to the Planning Inspectorate regarding Condition 15 of EHDC Planning decision for the development of Bircherley Green. Email from East Herts: Quote begins: Planning Appeal:   Bircherley Green Shopping Centre  Hertford  Hertfordshire SG14 1BN  LPA Appeal Ref:    21/00032/COND The applicant has appealed… Continue reading Chase New Homes appeal Planning decision

Premier Inn Checks Out

It should come as no surprise following Whitbread’s announcement of job losses earlier this week that they have now pulled out of building a Premier Inn Hotel in Bircherley Green (see full story in Hertfordshire Mercury). It is fair to say that few people in Hertford saw the need for a hotel. Except for Whitbread… Continue reading Premier Inn Checks Out

Pub – not as we know it

As anyone who has read these blogs and other pages on this site will know, I have a love affair with pubs. The guidance laid down by Government to pub landlords has made visits to my local hostelry a total anathema. My first memory of pubs was when I was not even five years old. My… Continue reading Pub – not as we know it